Curriculum on Canvas
In order to receive credit for the 495 course, students must complete a minimum of 120 hours at an approved internship site. These hours must be completed between the first day of instruction and the last day of instruction for the semester during which they are enrolled. The following 8 assignments must be submitted to Canvas and all 8 must receive a grade of “pass” in order to pass the class.
Assignment #1 – Orientation Attendance Document
• When you attend the mandatory internship orientation, you will receive a white document signed by the faculty internship coordinator. Complete the form in full, initial next to each policy statement to indicate that you agree, and sign at the bottom.
• Scan or take a photo of the completed document, save using the correct filename (#1FirstNameLastNameTermEnrolled), and upload the file to Canvas for assignment #1. The form is only valid for 1 year from the date of attendance.
• If you have misplaced the form given to you at orientation, you may complete a make-up assignment by attending any workshop, employer info session, or career/internship fair sponsored by the Career Center. Please print and complete the Orientation Make-up Assignment
, have it signed by the Career Center event host, and submit it to Canvas for Assignment #1 prior to the end of the semester.
Assignment #2 – Resume & Cover Letter Signed off by the Career Center
• Prepare digital copies of both your resume AND cover letter then visit the Career Center online during drive-thru hours to have your documents reviewed by a career specialist. Take a screenshot of your Zoom session and make the recommended changes, then upload both the screenshot and your resume and cover letter to Canvas for assignment #2. If you make an in-person appointment for review, bring printed copies and have the specialist sign both.
• The intention is that this should be done before you begin applying for internships in order to strengthen your applications. However, it still must be completed for the class even if you have already secured a position and/or the company did not require a cover letter.
Assignment #3 – CICE Registration Complete Form
• Complete the student CICE Registration process as soon as you have accepted an internship and the company has been approved by the Center for Internships & Community Engagement. Once you complete your placement, click “download submission” and save the file under the correct filename (#3FirstNameLastNameTermEnrolled). Upload the file to Canvas to receive credit for Assignment #3.
• CICE Registration MUST be completed before you are eligible to begin your internship. Failure to complete it will result in a grade of “no credit.”
Assignment #4 – 40 Hour Paper
• (Practical Applications) After completing 40 hours at the internship, complete a reflection paper detailing the courses within your major that helped prepare you for the experience, as well as any areas that would have been helpful to learn in advance.
Assignment #5 – Internship Photos
• Provide two photos of yourself on the job – one in front of an identifiable company landmark or logo, and the other a creative “action shot” of yourself at work. If your internship is remote, include one photo of how you typically complete your work, and a second photo of yourself with the company logo visible on your computer screen.
Assignment #6 – Site Survey
• Visit the link available in Canvas and complete a brief online survey about your internship experience. Take a screenshot of the completion page, save it under the correct filename (#6FirstNameLastNameTermEnrolled), and upload it to Canvas to receive credit for assignment #6.
Assignment #7 – Final Report
• During the final weeks of the semester you will complete a written account of your internship experience following the prompt provided on Canvas.
Assignment #8 – Signed Timesheet
• Keep a log of your hours and duties on the CICE Timesheet beginning on the first day of the internship, then have your supervisor sign off to confirm the total number of hours completed on your last day.
• If your internship is remote, an electronic signature from your supervisor is acceptable.