Bermejo, Julio

Julio Bermejo

Department:    Communications

Phone:   (657)278-8306


Office:   CP460-03

Office Hours:   View HerePDF File Opens in new window

Personal Website:  N/A

Degree and Univ:  M.S., University of Stirling

Degree Area: Public Relations

Teaching Area: Communications – public relations

Research Area:  Public relations, military public affairs, social movements, intergroup communication

Julio Bermejo is an assistant professor in the Department of Communications. He teaches public relations courses in the undergraduate communications program. 

Julio has more than a decade of experience in public relations practice, having worked in military, other government, nonprofit, and for-profit settings. He served as a public affairs officer in the California Air National Guard and deployed to Iraq in 2004. 

Julio’s research interests include military public affairs, intergroup communication, and social movements. He and his work have won a number of awards. These include the 2015 Inez Kaiser Graduate Student of Color Award, Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, and 2014 Top Graduate Student Paper, Public Relations Division, International Communication Association.   

Julio is completing his Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has a M.S. in Public Relations from the University of Stirling, United Kingdom, and a B.A. in English from Stanford University.

In his spare time, Julio studies the mandolin.


Select Publications

Bermejo, J. J., Petrun, E. L., Madden, S., Tills, C., & Liu, B. F. (2015, May). “We are all that stands between them and what they want”: Far-right extremist online discussions of government actions. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Bermejo, J. J. (2014, May). Activism research 1993-2012. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA. Received “Top Graduate Student Paper, PR Division.”

Bermejo, J. J. (2012, September). ‘Public relations is activism’: Greenpeace’s ‘Barbie, It’s Over’ anti-deforestation and climate change campaign. Paper presented at the meeting of the Culture, Politics, and Climate Change Conference, Boulder, CO.