Monti, Gloria
Department: Cinema and Television Arts
Phone: 657-278-5922
Office: CP-650-14
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Degree: B.A., M.A., Ph.D., M.Phil.
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Degree Univ: Yale University
Degree: M.A.
Degree Area:
Degree Univ: The University of Iowa
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Gloria Monti
A native of Italy, Dr. Gloria Monti first came to the United States as a student at the age of seventeen. She earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in American Studies at Yale University and a graduate degree in Communication Studies at the University of Iowa. She is Associate Professor in the Department of Radio-TV-Film at California State Fullerton, where she teaches Film Studies. Her courses include: Introduction to Film Studies, American and Italian cinema, World Cinema, Genres (American Film Comedy, The Road Movie), Auteurs (Jean-Luc Godard, Bernardo Bertolucci, Ken Loach), Feminist Film Theory, Construction of Stardom, and Race on Screen.
Dr. Monti’s academic work focuses on European and American cinema. Her publications include essays on Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Mamma Roma, African-American independent women filmmakers, the representation of women in the films of Jean-Luc Godard, and a book chapter on the filmic adaptation of the Italian novel Nessuno torna indietro. She also translated an essay on John Wayne written by John Ford, from Italian to English.
B.A., Yale University, 1985
M.A. The University of Iowa, 1987
M.A. Yale University, 1991
M. Phil. Yale University, 1993
Ph.D. Yale University, 2000
Selected Publications
“Traversing the Onscreen City: Nannarella’s (Mamma) Roma.” Capital City: Rome, 1870-2010. Ed. Cristina Mazzoni. Spec. issue of Annali d’Italianistica 28 (2010): 279-293.
“Look Who’s Talking: Nessuno torna indietro, From Alba de Céspedes to Alessandro Blasetti.” Watching Pages, Reading Pictures: Cinema and Modern Literature in Italy. Ed. Daniela De Pau and Georgina Torello. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars P, 2008. 191-211.
Translation from Italian to English of “John Wayne, il mio ragazzo”/“John Wayne My Pal,” by John Ford. 1951. John Ford Made Westerns: Filming the Legend in the Sound Era. Eds. Gaylyn Studlar, and Matthew Bernstein. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2001. 272-276.
“Un secolo di registe.” In Italian. Leggendaria Mar./Apr. 2000: 17-19.
“Language/Woman: Two or Three Things I Know About Them.” Phoebe 2.2 (1990): 80-88.
RTVF 271: American Cinema 1
RTVF 272: American Cinema 2
RTVF 301: Introduction to Film Studies
RTVF 377-T: National Cinemas (Italian Cinema)
RTVF 378-T: Genres (Comedy)
RTVF 379-T: Auteurs (Jean-Luc Godard, Bernardo Bertolucci, Ken Loach)
RTVF 471: Topics in Film Theory (Feminist Film Theory, Construction of Stardom)