Jamey Power from J. D. Power & Associates

James D. Power IV, who served as senior vice president and strategic advisor for J. D. Power & Associates, was a guest speaker in Dr. Irene Matz’s graduate seminar class Organization Communication on Thursday, October 5, 2017.

Mr. Power’s PowerPoint slides chronicled the J. D. Power Awards company that was founded by his father, J. David Power III and created on the family’s dining room table in 1968 and continues to thrive today in honoring companies from various industries. Power’s inspiring story toured us from the beginning of the company, challenges they faced, and ethical issues. As quoted in their book, Satisfaction, “a high rating from J. D. Power and Associates is the surest sign that a company is truly listening to its customers and responding with outstanding service”. The company’s values include independence, input and integrity surveying what the consumer wants from the company.

Power answered questions from the students, gave them a signed copy of his book, and personally chatted with each one.

Following the visit, graduate student Amanda Worthington said, “Mr. Power’s presentation to the class was nothing short of inspiring. It was refreshing to hear from such an ethical leader and the legacy his father created for J.D. Power and Associates. I felt honored to be able to hear the history behind the company his father founded. Having Mr. Power speak to our class was a great experience, and I know we all took away valuable information”.

Graduate student Cathy Rodriguez noted, “When we see the J.D. Power symbol we know it means excellence. After I heard Mr. Power speak about his father's creation of the company, the reasons behind it and the unfaltering ethical standards they stood for, I obtained a new depth of respect for "who" J.D. Power is and the value they brought to both consumers and businesses.”

The company was sold to McGraw Hill in 2005. Mr. Power presently manages the Power family’s community and philanthropic activities that focuses on education and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.


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