Erika Sanchez
Major, concentration & class:
Class of 2018. Communications (Public Relations), Minor: CTVA
Where do you currently work, and what is your job title? / Tell us a little bit about what you’re doing now, and how you landed this position/ What are some of your daily duties?
Currently working at Paramount Pictures as an Executive Assistant. I support the EVP of International marketing communications. My role is to assist and coordinate with the international PR and Digital teams that she over sees. Our department is in charge of publicity and digital support for the international theatrical releases of our upcoming films, so we are involved from production up until a bit after a movie releases. Whenever our talent goes on a press tour, dubbing, digital media, international magazine covers, interviews, talent social media takeovers, etc., is a bit of what we handle.
My day to day is to keep my boss as up to date with timelines, materials, notes, meetings, etc. We work with people all around the world so its important that I keep up with time zone and when setting calls. We collate and work on international PR strategies for our films and my job is to make sure all of our teams get the most up to date information, and that I compile it into the appropriate documents, lists, presentations that go our to our departments or shown in filmmaker meetings and pitches.
I also do smaller tasks like update her calendar, grab lunch for my boss because sometimes she wont even have 10 mins of free time to eat, order office supplies, filing, and other housekeeping duties. I landed this position because I made connection at the studio when I interned here. I actually interned for this department for a year in 2017. I left here to intern somewhere else but before graduation, when a position opened, I applied & reached out to express my interest. They recommended me to my current boss and in a way gave me their blessing.
What advice would you give to current LCI members?
Take advantage of all the opportunities to gain experience around you while you’re a student. Whether it is interning, clubs, coursework, volunteering etc. Not only do you make connections with your peers, but you also have something to show on your resume when you graduate.
Also, best advice my mom ever gave me “PONTE LAS PILAS!” Get started now, get ready, anticipate, plan, work hard, get out of your comfort zone. You don’t have to be perfect, over the top, or fit into any molds but your own, pero ponte las pilas because you need to keep moving forward.
How did LCI prepare you for what you are doing today, or how did it help shape your career?
LCI has been so many things for me: motivation, support, guidance, and pride. The community helped me see others making it and constantly threw things my way to keep me on my toes and keep my hunger for success alive. Early on, a friend introduced me to LCI and it took me a while to get going. But over time, Inez became such a valuable mentor to me. She was always there to answer any questions, look at my resume, and point me in the right direction when I needed a professional opinion. I am so proud of all my peers’ success and so excited to see where all our wonderful and diverse students will go and the change we WILL make.