Selected Publications and Presentations
Weir-Mayta, P., Spencer, K.A., Eadie, T., Yorkston, K.M., & Kelly, V. (2017). Internal versus externally cued speech in Parkinson’s disease and cerebellar disease. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 26. 583-595.
Bislick, L.P., Weir, P.C., Spencer, K.A., Kendall, D.L., & Yorkston, K.M. (2012). Do principles of motor learning enhance retention and transfer of speech skills?: A systematic review. Aphasiology, 26, (5). 709-728.
Bislick, L.P., Weir, P.C., & Spencer, K.A. (2012). Investigation of feedback schedules on speech motor learning in participants with apraxia of speech. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 20(4), 18-23.
Hong, D.*, Stockton, J.*, Munoz, C.*, Weir-Mayta, P., & Kim, M. (2018). Identifying Age-based Motor Learning Differences Using Voicing and Formant Frequency Measurements. Poster submission to the National Meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
Urbina, D.*, Green, S.*, Abbott, S.*, Chen, L.*, Munoz, C.*, Stockton, J.*, Weir-Mayta, P., & Doyer, B. (2018). Refocusing the Lens of Learning: Incorporating IPE and Standardized Patients into Graduate Student Education. Poster submission to the National Meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
Weir-Mayta, P., Paff, A.*, Stockton, J.*, & Munoz, C.* (2017). Speech Motor Learning and the Application of Motor Learning Principles. Talk presented at the meeting of the California Speech-Language Hearing Association, Pasadena, CA.
Paff, A.*, Stockton, J.*, Munoz, C.*, & Weir-Mayta, P. (2017). Investigation of Feedback Schedules on Speech Motor Learning in Healthy Younger and Older Adults. CSUF Student Creative and Research (SCAR) Campus Finalist and Statewide Competition Presenter.
Weir-Mayta, P., Paff, A.*, Stockton, J.*, & Munoz, C.* (2016). Investigation of feedback schedules in healthy younger and older adults. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; Philadelphia, PA.
Weir-Mayta, P.C., Spencer, K.A., Eadie, T., Savaglio, S., & Woollcott, C. (2015). Internally versus externally cued speech in Parkinson’s disease and cerebellar disease. Poster presented at the International Conference on Motor Speech, Huntington Beach, CA.
Weir-Mayta, P.C., Spencer, K.A., Eadie, T., Savaglio, S., & Woollcott, C. (2015). Internally versus externally cued speech in Parkinson’s disease and cerebellar disease. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; Denver, CO.
Balestracci, S., Spencer, K, Weir-Mayta, P.C., & Smith, Mara Kapsner (2015). Speaking task differences in Parkinson's disease. Poster presentation presented at the meeting of the Washington Speech-Language-Hearing Association; Tacoma, WA.