College of Communications
Student Success Center
The College of Communications Student Success Center provides virtual and in-person academic advisement services for undergraduate students.
Quick Questions?
To help us assist you most efficiently, please do not send duplicate messages to multiple e-mail addresses.
E-mail with your CWID (campus-wide ID number), first and last name, and major. Please be as detailed as you can with your questions; an advisor will respond to you within 48 hours.
Spring/Summer 2025 graduation applicants should e-mail Tammy Rogers ( with graduation-related questions, grad date change clarification, etc. (Please include your CWID.)
Need Advising Help?
- E-mail us at (using your CSUF e-mail account is strongly preferred; include your CWID, full name, and details regarding your question)
- Call us at (657) 278-4926 for general assistance or referrals
- Schedule a 25-minute virtual onr in-person advising appointment here; (appointments open one week in advance)
- Virtual same-day appointments: Schedule a same-day, 15-minute Zoom advising appointment (usually Mon. - Thurs., see "Advising Updates" below for further details and the sign-up link)
Advising Updates | Spring 2025
Advising services are currently facilitated virtually through virtual (phone or Zoom) or in-person advising appointments.
Same-day, 15-minute Virtual Advising Appointments
We are offering same-day, 15-minute virtual advising appointments.
To make the most out of your advising session, please be on time and prepare in advance by having your CWID available, your current TDA pulled up, and your questions ready!
Sign-ups for the same-day, 15-minute virtual advising appointments will open at 8:30 am each day (Mon. - Thurs.); click the button below. Virtual advising sessions will be conducted via Zoom. You will receive the Zoom meeting ID/link in the confirmation e-mail you will immediately receive after scheduling the same-day appointment.
Space is limited on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are no more appointments available on a given day, please check back the following day starting at 8:30 am.
Same-day, 15-minute virtual advising appointments (sign-ups begin daily at 8:30 am)

Pre-scheduled, 25-minute Virtual and In-Person Advising Appointments
Continuing students may schedule a 25-minute virtual or in-person advising appointment with the appropriate advisor:
- Current students (all class standings): Mindy Chang or Stephanie Malone
- Spring/Summer 2025 graduation applicants: Stephanie Malone, or contact Tammy Rogers by e-mail (see above) with your CWID for quick questions or for complex situations
Communicative Disorders (COMD) majors: Michelle Merchain (click to schedule a COMD major advising appointment
For virtual appointments, the Zoom link will be included in your appointment confirmation e-mail, unless otherwise stated when scheduling your appointment. Your advisor may also contact you with additional information; check your e-mail before your appointment for possible follow-up information. Appointment availability is scheduled up to one week in advance; check daily for new openings.
Pre-scheduled 25-minute advising appointments for current students (may schedule up to one week in advance)
Spring 2025 | Class Registration and Important Dates
Please refer to the Spring 2025 Registration Guide
for important add/drop deadlines and details.