Kurth, J., Ruppar, A., McQueston, J., McCabe, K., Johnston, R., Gross-Toews, S., (2019). Types of Supplementary Aids and Services for Students with Significant Support Needs. Journal of Special Education. doi:10.1177/0022466918791156.
Kurth, J., Ruppar, A., Gross-Toews, S., McCabe, K., McQueston, J., & Johnston, R. (2019). Considerations in Placement Decisions for Students with Extensive Support Needs: An Analysis of LRE Statements. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.
Kurth, J., McQueston, J., Ruppar, A., Gross-Toews, S., Johnston, R., & McCabe, K. (Accepted). A Description of Parent Input in IEP Development Through Analysis of IEP Documents. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
McCabe, K. M., Ruppar, A. L., Kurth, J. A., McQueston, J. A., Toews, S. G., & Johnston, R. (Accepted). Cracks in the Continuum: A Critical Analysis of Least Restrictive Environment for Students with Significant Support Needs. Teachers College Record.
Johnston, R., Kurth, J. (In Preparation). Incremental change for Inclusive education. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools (clinical forum)
Non-Refereed Publications
Wegner, J., Johnston, R. (2019). Understanding Students with Speech and Language Disorders. In Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Today's Schools, CourseSmart eTextbook, 9thEdition. (Invited)
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