Dean's List at Honors and Awards 2018
The first Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Honors and Awards was held at the TSU on May 8th at 5:00-7:00pm. Attendees of the event included students and their families, Dr. Paul Deputy, Dr. Jeanna Riley, Dr. Marin Bonsangue, Robin Ottensen, Nancy Bonsangue, Raymond Godeke, Kathleen Collier, Interim Dean, Dr. Ed Fink, Interim Associate Dean, Dr. Doug Swanson, CSHA president, Beryl Fogel, CSHA past President, Diane Collins, and CSHA President-elect, Linda Pippert. The first Alumni of the Year Awards were presented to Jacqueline Bostrom and Diane Collins in recognition of their contribution to speech-language pathology and the Communicative Disorders program.
Students on the Dean’s lists and/or receiving the honors of Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude were recognized at the event. The Scottish Rite Foundation Scholarship recipients were Nouhad Shatila and Emily Hammond. Riley Memorial Scholarships were awarded to Amber White and Luis Espinoza. The NSSHLA Scholarship was provide to Jessica-Thanh Truc Hoang. The Textbook Award was provided to Sarah Green. Amber White also received the College of Communications’ Denise Harrington Scholarship.