Spanish for Hispanic Media Professional Certificate
The College of Communications (COMM) and the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures (MLL) offer a certificate designed to improve the Spanish language skills of bilingual students and their cultural competency as it relates to the U.S. Latino population. These courses can be taken as COMM collaterals.
Students are required to complete five (5) courses, or fifteen (15) units, from the following list.
SPAN 301 Advanced Grammar and Composition (3). This class can be challenged with an exam at the beginning of the semester. Moreover, students with an AP score of 5 in both AP tests do not need to take the prerequisite of 214. Catalogue description: Grammar analysis and written expression. Conducted in Spanish. Offered every semester.
SPAN 303 Writing for Hispanic Media (3). A hands-on writing course designed to provide the foundations of effective copywriting to reach the Hispanic community using diverse media. Conducted primarily in Spanish. Prerequisites: SPAN 301 and consent of instructor. Offered in the fall.
SPAN 405 Spanish Editorial Convergence Model (3). Thorough review and analysis of new editorial business models that have proven to be effective in Spanish-language markets within the United States and Puerto Rico. Conducted primarily in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 301. Offered in the spring.
SPAN 468 Spanish/English Bilingualism and Language Contact (3). Comprehensive study of topics related to Spanish-English bilingualism and language contact. Analysis of linguistic situation of the Hispanic groups in the United States within psycholinguistic, grammatical and sociolinguistic theoretical frames. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 301. Offered in the spring.
MLNG 495 Internship in Foreign Languages (3). Supervised field experience in multinational business locally or abroad. Daily use of a foreign language on the job is required. Complete a minimum of 150 hours at a Spanish-language internship site). Credit/No Credit.
COMM 304 - Spanish Language TV News (3). Produce the Spanish-language television news program, Al Dia. Emphasize news gathering, writing, shooting, and editing packages for television and the web. Impact of Spanish-language media and changing demographics in the United States. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.
COMM 495 Mass Media Internship (3). Complete a minimum of 120 hours at an approved internship site. Credit/No Credit. Communications majors are required to take COMM 495; if it is an internship where bilingual Spanish/English skills are required and used, the internship may count for COMM 495 and MLNG 495.
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