
Department of Communications

Articles by Dr. Wu top cited

Articles by Dr. Wu top cited

Two research articles by Dr. Mark Wu are ranked highly in a recent listing of top cited research articles in advertising.

The Journal of Advertising published a study titled "Knowledge Flows Between Advertising and Other Disciplines: A Social Exchange Perspective." The article examined citations among leading advertising journals to study the relationship between advertising scholarship and other mass communications, business, marketing and psychology fields.

The analysis found that Dr. Wu’s 2006 article “Conceptualizing and measuring the perceived interactivity of websites” was the most cited article in the last 10 years from the Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising.

Dr. Wu’s 2005 article “The mediating role of perceived interactivity in the effect of actual interactivity on attitude toward the website” was the tenth most cited article in the last 10 years in the Journal of Interacti ve Advertising