Give your future resumé a boost!
Earn a pre-professional certificate without taking ANY additional units.
The Digital Communications Media Certificate gives CSUF students a chance to complete a set of courses that provide relevant hands-on skills for the ever-evolving media workplace. Students will gain the concepts and skills needed to strategize, design, and execute interactive Web-based and social media content. To prepare for graduation, students will create a web portfolio with their own domain and web hosting in place.

Select Online Major/Minor Change Form on the Registration and Records page to submit certificate.
Select 3 of these 4 Courses
COMM 300 Visual Communication
COMM 380 Interactive Media Design
COMM 422 Communications Technologies
COMM 444 Portfolio Visual Communications
COMM 481 Adv. Interactive Media Design
Select 1 of these Courses
ANTH 311 Culture and Communication
ANTH 486 Anthropology of Digital Media
CAS 360 Adolescents and the Media
CPSC 305 Coding for Artists
CPSC 313 The Computer Impact
HCOM 305 Digital Media Literacy
HCOM 315 Social Media and Communication
SOCI 345 Sociology of Communication
WGST 320 Gendered Technoculture

Digital Media Certificate Faculty Advisor
Jiwoo Park |
All Department of Communications majors are encouraged to consider completion of one of our pre-professional certificates. The certificates are also open to students from other majors. A certificate takes the place of the collateral requirements on the COMM degree check sheet. To learn more, speak to your faculty advisor or visit the College of Communications Advising and Student Success Center (College Park 210).
Department of Communications Certificates are open to all CSUF students
The Photo Communications Certificate allows CSUF students to complete a set of courses that provide relevant hands-on skills for traditional and digital photography. Students will learn to conceptualize and create compelling photographic images for use in Web-based and social media content. Students will also learn the business issues involved with being a successful photographer.
Select Online Major/Minor Change Form on the Registration and Records page to submit certificate.
Select 3 of these 4 Courses
COMM 319 Visual Reporting
COMM 321 Studio Photography
COMM 409 Advanced Visual Reporting
COMM 421 Advanced Studio Photography
Select 1 of these Courses
ART 338A Creative Photography
ART 338B Creative Photography
ART 410 The Digital Studio
ART 478 Studio Expanded: Other Genre
ART 479 Video Art & the Moving Image
ART 488T Sel. Topics in Creative Photography
CTVA 300 Language of Film
CTVA 350 Story Structure
CTVA 362 Media Literacy
ANTH 311 Culture and Communication
ANTH 306 Culture and Art
PHIL 311 Aesthetics: Philosophy Art & Beauty

Photo Comm Certificate Faculty Advisor
Bill Thompson |
All Department of Communications majors are encouraged to consider completion of one of our pre-professional certificates. The certificates are also open to students from other majors. A certificate takes the place of the collateral requirements on the COMM degree check sheet. To learn more, speak to your faculty advisor or visit the College of Communications Advising and Student Success Center (College Park 210).
Department of Communications Certificates are open to all CSUF students
The Radio-Audio Certificate allows CSUF students to complete a set of courses that provide relevant hands-on skills for working in traditional radio and online audio broadcasting. Students will learn to develop, produce and host compelling news, entertainment and live action programing and learn the business issues involved in the traditional and online broadcast world.

Select Online Major/Minor Change Form on the Registration and Records page to submit certificate.
Take all 3 of these Courses
COMM 371 Radio-Audio Operations
COMM 375 Radio-Audio Entertainment
COMM 377 Radio-Audio News
Select 1 of these Courses
CTVA 310 Audio Production
CTVA 341 Business of TV
CTVA 361 American TV
CTVA 362 Media Literacy
CTVA 381 Censorship
HCOM 325 Interviewing: Principles & Practices
HIST 401A Oral History-United States
HIST 404 Community History
MUS 302 History of Jazz
MUS 303 World Music
MUS 304 Music of Mexico
MUS 305 Women in Music
MUS 306 Business of Music
MUS 307 History of Rock Music
MUS 308 Music of the Middle East
MUS 350 Music in American Society
MUS 356 African American Music Appreciation
POSC 448 Media and Politics

Radio-Audio Certificate Faculty Advisor
Rob van Riel |
All Department of Communications majors are encouraged to consider completion of one of our pre-professional certificates. The certificates are also open to students from other majors. A certificate takes the place of the collateral requirements on the COMM degree check sheet. To learn more, speak to your faculty advisor or visit the College of Communications Advising and Student Success Center (College Park 210).
Department of Communications Certificates are open to all CSUF students
The Sports Media Certificate allows CSUF students, who are interested in a career in sports media, to complete a set of courses that provides hand-on skills for a variety of positions within the profession. Students will learn to write, develop, produce and host compelling sports features, sports announcing and in-studio shows and learn the business issues involced in the modern sports media world.

Select Online Major/Minor Change Form on the Registration and Records page to submit certificate.
Select 3 or 4 of these 4 courses
COMM 336 Sports Broadcast Journalism
COMM 441 Sports Reporting
COMM 445 Sports Entertainment
HCOMM 370 Sport Communication
Select 1 of these Courses
AMST 346 American Culture Through Spectator Sports
KNES 381 History of Sports, Games, and Culture
KNES 384 Sport Sociology
KNES 481 The Socio-Cultural Study of the Olympic Games: Ancient to Modern
MATH 120 Elementary Statistics
MATH 205 Elementary Statistics Supplement
MKTG 430 Sports Marketing
SOCI 467 Sociology of Sport

Sports Media Certificate Faculty Advisor
Gayle Brisbane |
All Department of Communications majors are encouraged to consider completion of one of our pre-professional certificates. The certificates are also open to students from other majors. A certificate takes the place of the collateral requirements on the COMM degree check sheet. To learn more, speak to your faculty advisor or visit the College of Communications Advising and Student Success Center (College Park 210).