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Titan Radio’s spring Street Team meeting


Titan Radio Street Team is back and ready to take on new members.

by Annisa Charles

Titan Radio Street Team is back and ready to take on new members. They held their first-semester meeting on Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. in the Titan Radio station located in the basement of Pollak Library.

The Street Team has been around for at least the past six years. It is Titan Radio’s club of content creators. From TikToks to blog posts, they show up and create fun and exciting content.

Titan Radio’s communications team hosted the first meeting, which was an introduction to the club. The meeting was made up of mostly new people, meaning anyone with any background could show up and join in on the fun at Titan Radio.

Some would think this is exclusive to Titan Radio members, but it’s actually not. Anyone with any major or academic standing can join. No application is necessary, just showing up to the meetings posted on Instagram is enough.

Joining the Street Team is a great way to express one’s creativity and individuality while also building their portfolio or simply having fun. Another reason the Street Team is exciting for any creative music lover is they frequently have exclusive access to Titan Radio’s free concert tickets.

The first meeting was not mandatory; anyone can join anytime. If the Titan Radio Street Team interests you, keep an eye out for their next meeting!