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Changes and charge of Tusk Magazine

by: Marlen Sanchez

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Tusk magazine is the csuf student-centered magazine created by students each year (photo credit: courtesy of tusk instagram)

Tusk Magazine–– COMM 434–– taught by Dr. Chelsea Reynolds, used to be produced annually, but will now be produced twice a year. Tusk is created by the students, for the students. The magazine produces content that excites students and makes them forget they are reading a student-produced magazine with how professional it looks.


In Tusk Magazine, individuals like Cameron Macedonio and Jaelynn Wright shine as beacons of inspiration, embodying creativity, leadership and perseverance. Their stories show how getting involved on campus can help you follow your passions and achieve your goals.


Cameron Macedonio Tusk Managing Editor

Cameroan Macedonio, Tusk's Managing Editor (Photo Credit: Courtesy of Juliana White)


Macedonio went from being a hardworking student to a leader on campus with many skills. This shows how dedicated he is and how much he thirsts for knowledge. Cameron holds pivotal roles such as General Manager of Titan Radio, Chief Campus Relations Officer of ASI and Assistant Opinion Editor of the Daily Titan.


His journey has been a tapestry of diverse experiences and meaningful encounters. He has reflected on his path, “Through this, I have learned different aspects of our world through the articles I have read. I also don’t consider myself to be a very ‘design-y’ or ‘creative’ person, but I have been able to tap more into that side of myself when it comes to editorial concepts.” 


Macedonio’s involvement has cultivated his leadership skills, and he has also discovered hidden talents in design and creativity, defying preconceived notions about his abilities. As he ascended to Managing Editor of Tusk Magazine, Macedonio’s journey came full circle, a testament to the profound impact of campus engagement in shaping future leaders.


Jaelynn Wright, Creative Director of TUSK magazine
Jaelynn Wright, TUSK's Creative Director (Photo Credit: Courtesy of Juliana White)


Wright's story unfolds to the boundless potential of creativity and innovation. As the Creative Director of Tusk Magazine, Wright embraces her role with humility and determination, seeing it as an honor and a responsibility. 


For Wright, Tusk Magazine transcends its pages, serving as a conduit for self-expression and a platform for amplifying voices on pressing issues. With each project, she and her team navigate the intricate landscape of contemporary discourse, weaving together narratives that provoke thought, evoke emotion and inspire action. Through her leadership, Wright creates a space where ideas thrive, limits fade away and creativity has endless possibilities.


In their unique ways, Macedonio and Wright represent the spirit of student leadership and creativity, embodying the ethos of their respective campuses. Their stories inspire their peers, reminding them of the transformative power of engagement and the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to dream. As they continue to navigate the labyrinth of college life, Macedonio and Wright stand as shining examples of resilience, determination and the relentless pursuit of excellence.


Their experiences offer a glimmer of hope, a reminder that amidst the chaos, there lies an opportunity to forge a path of purpose and meaning. As they continue to carve out their destinies, Macedonio and Wright leave an indelible mark on their communities, their campuses, and the world at large, a testament to the enduring power of passion, perseverance and the relentless pursuit of one's dreams.


Make sure to keep an eye out for this semester’s edition of Tusk, coming soon!