Dr. Tara Suwinyattichaiporn


TedTalk - Prof Tara Suwinyattichaiporn

Department | Human Communications Studies

Personal Website | www.linkedin.com/in/tarasuwin/

Phone | (657)278-3851

Email | tsuwinyattichaiporn@fullerton.edu

Office | CP 420-08

Office Hours | View HerePDF File

Degree and University | Ph.D., Arizona State University

Degree Area | Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication; Research Methods

Teaching Areas | Interpersonal and Relational Communication, Sexual Communication, Online Communication and Personal Relationships, Quantitative Research Methods

Research Areas | Interpersonal and Relational Communication, Sexual Communication, Communication & Technologies

Teaching: Dr. Tara is an associate professor (received her tenure at 32 years old) at California State University, Fullerton where she teaches Quantitative Research Methods, Sexual Communication, Interpersonal Communication Theories & Research, Relational Communication, and Online Communication and Personal Relationships.

Research: Dr. Tara is proficient in, both, quantitative and qualitative research methods (survey research, experimental designs, focus groups, interviews, and ethnography). Her research titled "Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Empathetic Expressions: Scale Development, Validation, and Message Evaluation," a theory and scale construction piece, won a top paper award at the national communication association convention. She has won five research-related grant awards between 2016-2019.

Service: She is the organizer of CSUF Civil Dialogue events. She hosted public forums on free speech, transgender laws, gun ownership, and immigration laws.

Dr. Tara is a passionate educator, when she's not teaching, she gives sex and relationship advice on her social media Luvbites.co and other news media outlets (e.g., Cosmopolitan, Insider, Women's Health Magazine, Men's Health Magazine, Tusk Magazine, etc).