forms but include student information;
normally, students should contact the
instructor and provide CWID, email,
course and section number.
An understanding of the challenges of effective communication and how communication can be facilitated is of great value in almost any career. Some careers, such as those in human services, require an understanding of communication between individuals. Other careers, such as those in business, nonprofit organizations, or government, require an understanding of communication within and between organizations and between organizations and their customers or other constituencies. For example, business majors may benefit from knowledge and skills in organizational and multicultural communication, particularly in our multicultural society. The Minor in Communication Studies is structured to meet the individual student’s aptitudes, interests, and career goals. The minor is earned by the successful completion of 18 advisor-approved units.
Gary Ruud, Ph.D.
College Park 420-1
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Faculty HCOM
in the Department of Human Communication Studies.