Only students currently registered in COMM/CTVA production classes are allowed to use the equipment, and only the equipment they have been trained to use in their classes. Equipment is allocated according to the specific requirements of each COMM/CTVA production course. Not all equipment is available to all students. Students requesting equipment not normally available to their classes must obtain written permission from their instructors. Even then, the Stock Room personnel will fulfill such requests only as long as they do not conflict with the production needs of other courses.
- Use of any and all equipment is a privilege, not a right. It is conditional with compliance with all rules and policies of the Stock Room. Failure to comply with these conditions may result the in loss of privileges.
- Only students currently registered in COMM/CTVA production classes are allowed to rent equipment.
Students must have a valid CSUF "Titan Card" or CWID each time they rent equipment.
To make reservations, students have to go online and place a reservation for the equipment within the digital reservation system. Reservations may be made up to 2 weeks in advance. Reservations should be made at least 24 hours in advance. Every reservation is confirmed via e-mail.
The ability to reserve equipment is dependent on class level and type of equipment being requested. Walk-in requests may be accommodated depending on equipment availability. If equipment is reserved, and not picked up by 4pm on the date requested, it will be put back into the active inventory and made available for walk-ins.
The student whose name appears on the reservation must pick up the equipment himself or herself. No exceptions.
Students can have someone else return their equipment; however, no one may pick up equipment for another student.
It is the students’ responsibility to make sure that the equipment they check out is in working order BEFORE leaving the Stockroom area. Therefore, all students should schedule an appropriate amount of time to test each piece of equipment each time they pick up equipment. All equipment listed under the student’s name is the responsibility of that student. Fines will be assessed for lost or damaged equipment
Equipment is considered “late” if it is not returned during return hours on the due date. Equipment not returned on time will be the subject to a fine, which increases with the length of tardiness.
Check Out takes a minimum of 15-30 minutes!
Students should:
• Check everything before leaving the stockroom to ensure equipment is in working condition
• Make sure everything requested was received
• Report any equipment malfunctions to the stockroom personnel immediately
Late Return fees:
Equipment worth less than $1,000 $20 per day
Equipment worth more than $1,000 $50 per day
(Students will have a hold placed on their account until the fee is paid.)
All late, broken or missing equipment fees must be paid in full at the Student Financial Services, University Hall 180 or online through the student’s portal. The ability to obtain equipment will be blocked until the fee is paid in full. Fees are carried over from one semester to the next. The student MUST bring the receipt from Financial Services to the Stockroom in order for the hold to be removed.
Students can have someone else return their equipment; however no one may pick up equipment for another student. Large equipment orders (10+ items) should pick up their equipment during the 1-2pm period.
Stockroom Hours
Return Hours: Monday- Friday 10am-1pm
Pick-up Hours: Monday- Friday 2pm-5pm
(The Stockroom closes between 1 pm-2pm every day)
Closed Saturday, Sunday & all school holidays
(It is not possible to Return or Pick-up equipment outside of the scheduled times)
Loan Period is 3 days (except weekends):
Monday to Wednesday
Tuesday to Thursday
Wednesday to Friday
Thursday to Monday
Friday to Monday
Students must report any equipment failure to the Stock Room manager or student assistant immediately.
NO equipment may be used for classes outside the CTVA/COMM Department production curriculum. CTVA/COMM equipment may NOT be used for personal or commercial projects. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action such as indicated in the California State University Fullerton Student Handbook.
Matt Roberts: CTVA/COMM technician
Matt’s Office: PLS-69A
Equipment Stock Room: PLS-67
StockRoom Phone: (657) 278-2989
Matt’s Office Phone: (657) 278-8128
COMM Stockroom Email:CommStockroom@fullerton.edu
CTVA Stockroom Email: CTVAStockroom@fullerton.edu
Matt’s email: meroberts@fullerton.edu
By renting equipment from the Stockroom, the student acknowledges that he/she is aware of the policy, and agrees to the terms herein. All reservations must be placed through the digital reservation system at: http://apps.fullerton.edu/CommEquipmentReservation and Every reservation will receive a confirmation e-mail.